and Test Script "Environment" is written in VHDL and has some block to activate the entity of the filter you designed. I prepare the following five files for both of FIR and IIR. After you compile the entity of the filter, please compile these keeping this order. globals_pkg.vhd: This has some constants. You modify this file when you change MCLK, FSCLK's frequency, D_IN's frequency and its magnitude. math_pkg.vhd: This includes functions for sin(x) and cos(x). up_out.vhd: This asserts RST signal. clks.vhd: This asserts MCLK and FSCLK. datas.vhd: This asserts D_IN. "Test Script"is also written in VHDL and connects the entity of the filter to the environment. I prepare nine files. You can choose one of them and compile it after you compile the environment. Then you are ready to simulate it!! t_fir.vhd: A script for FIR filter. t_iir.vhd: A script for IIR filter serialized by one. Back |