This is Online Help for DSPLinks.
IIRFIL (Infinite Impulse Response Filter)

This component is an IIR filter which is associated with user-defined coefficients.

Double-click on it and click "Change Parameters", then "Change Coefficients" to set a file which includes IIR coefficients.

Left-click to select it and right-click to choose "Open a Monitor".

The characteristics of IIR filter is drawn on the monitor window.

"View" -> "Scale Change" on the menu to change the scale.

As to the format of coefficients file, click "Help" on IIRFIL Parameters dialog. There need to be 19 lines in the file because the coefficients are a0, a1, a2... a9, b1, b2... b9.

Sample Schematics

Coming soon...

Related Tutorials

There are two type of expression for IIR filters

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