This is Online Help for DSPLinks.
WINLPF (FIR Low Pass Filter by Window Function Algorithm)

This component is an FIR LPF designed by Window Function Algorithm.

Double-click on it and click "Change Parameters" to set parameters. Tap Count is up to 400 and Kaiser Window Constant decides how sharp the slope is. (See this tutorial)

Left-click to select it and right-click to choose "Open a Monitor".

The characteristics of FIR filter is drawn on the monitor window.

"View" -> "Scale Change" on the menu to change the scale.

You can save the coefficients by choosing "Tools" -> "Save Coefficients" on the menu.

Sample Schematics

Envelope Detector

Related Tutorials

Variety of FIR Filters and their characteristics

Let's design Envelope Detector!!

Execute FFT on FIR's Impulse Response

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