Burn it in FPGA and check In/Out
The last step of C2VHDL is on-board implementation. I burned the FFT to FPGA and examined the result on PC.

Soft-macro microcontroller is necessary

It's may be difficult to check if the FPGA is computing FFT correctly or not because somebody needs to inject input and check the result. This time, I used MicroBlaze (MB) to manage it. MB is a soft-macro microcontroller, that can communicate with PC by using UART. Ant it can also display the status on LCD.

(1) Burn FFT and MicroBlaze
  • Microblaze to manage In/Out. (see CoffeeBreak 1)
  • PC injects data and checks the result.
(2) How the FPGA works
  • See how the signal flows.
  • A way to convert C to VHDL.


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