FIR Filter Design Example (Continued from Previous Page)
RTL simulation with "ModelSim" (by ModelTech Inc.)
Environment and Test Scripts are located on this page.
The designed filter: LPF, Tap Count=90, Sampling Frequency=1000, Fc1=200, Fc2=250.
Since the tap count is 90, there is some delay (91 ms) before the output signal appears. The frequency of input signal (D_IN) is 100Hz in this case. So the output (D_OUT) remains completely. (Simulator is ModelSim PE 5.7a)

FSCLK is 1kHz as a default setting. D_IN and D_OUT consist of 12bits. (Simulator is ModelSim PE 5.7a)

Master Clock(MCLK) is 384xFSCLK or faster. RST signal is high-enable and needs to stay more than some MCLK cycles. (Simulator is ModelSim PE 5.7a)

If the input signal's frequency is 230Hz, the output is somewhat filtered. (Simulator is ModelSim PE 5.7a)

If the input signal is 250Hz, the output is removed almost completely. (Simulator is ModelSim PE 5.7a)
