"dsPIC" is one of "PIC micro controllers" that has DSP (digital signal processing) functions. It's relatively inexpensive and easy to use for beginners. In this tutorial, I explain how to generate IIR filter's coefficients and how to implement them into a dsPIC.
The filter overall consists of a cascade of 2nd order IIR (four sections, see the following figure). In order to generate coefficients, we use "DSPLinks". Furthermore we need to switch the order of the coefficients and
invert some polarities to implement them into a dsPIC.

First of all, you need to download DSPLinks and install it on your PC.
Please start "DSPLinks" after installation.

A blank schematic appears.

Then please click "Parts" (Transistor icon) and click anywhere
on the schematic. "Parts Select" dialog appears. Choose BTWLPF
and click OK.
