This is Online Help for DSPLinks.
WAVOUT (Wave File Output)

This component is to see the data coming from other components and to save it to a Wave file.

Double-click on it and click "Change Parameters" then "Change Output File" to determine the Wave file to store the data.

Left-click to select it and right-click to choose "Open a Monitor".

Data to the WAVOUT is drawn on the monitor window.

"View" -> "Scale Change" on the menu to change the scale.

"Tools" -> "Play Wave" to listen to the sound.

"Tools" -> "Save Wave" to save the data to the Wave file.

Sample Schematics

Filter square wave and make sine wave

Save generated signals into Wave or Text files

Convert a Text file to a Wave file

Related Tutorials

How to see spectrums and filter signals

How to reduce ham noises

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